Assisted Living
Assisted Living offers help with some activities of daily living, along with the convenience of having meals in a family-style setting, daily activities and nursing staff on call 24/7.
If cooking and chores are a bit too much effort or falls are a concern, Assisted Living may just be the solution for you. St. Luke Lutheran Community can provide the peace of mind you are looking for with tailored services which meet each individual's physical, emotional and spiritual needs.
Our Assisted Living services include:
- breakfast, lunch, and dinner served daily in the dining room (meals are prepared to meet your individual diet needs and preferences)
- minimal assistance with activities of daily living
- administration of medication
- socialization through planned activities and outings
- laundry and housekeeping services
Rates do not include physician care, medication costs, diagnostic tests, laboratory fees or hospital charges.
Resident Life Services at St. Luke
Assisted Living is available at our North Canton, Minerva and Portage Lakes campuses
St. Luke Lutheran Community is a member of the American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging (AAHSA), Leading Age Ohio, and Lutheran Services in America (LSA). Guidelines for acceptance and participation in St. Luke Lutheran Community's programs are the same for everyone without regard for race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, or handicap.